Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Save on your cell phone Bill!!

In todays world, communication is considered to be the most important thing. Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening are all important aspect of everyone daily life. It is important in personal relationship as well as for professional growth. It is infact an indespensible part of life. We cananot imagine life without communicating. There will be no teaching, no learning, no education, no expression and so on. No communication means no voice, no music, no i-phone, no media. A world with no coomincation means only silence. Do you think that it is impossible to live in this environment?? I have given some time to think of this question and can easily conclude that it is not impossible (but surely difficult). The only mandatory things in life are food and air. Everything else should come in comfort or luxury category. Saying, small car is a necessity and big car is luxury, will be manipulated definitions. To apprecaite anything, understanding the definition of "necessity" is most important. We may have lot of things and want many other things in life only because we fail to understnad the correct definition of necessity.

Communication is also one such thing which is now assumed to be "necessity" of life. This infact has been exaaggerated to a great extent. Lets discuss how!

The biggest "benefit" of commuication is that it allows to maintain one's ego. Infact all the things which are not necessity are only for maintaining ego. To me, this is the definition of Materialism.

Speaking /Writing /Blogging - Speaking and Writing are same category because whatever you can speak can also be written and vice versa. This is an active category. This type of active communication is difficult to be effecient without one's ego. Even if it is full of simplicity or good for everyone , there will be some demand for others appreciation. There is definitely my ego in expressing this blog. Else why would I be sharing this shit when I am myself trying to rather improve on communication skills:)

Reading / Listening - This is a passive category. But still ego is actively involved in manipulating the text in the way you want to read or listem.

Thinking This is the most hidden form of communication and full of ego. This is even more important for people who don't want to disclose that they are egostic.

Chatting / Phone This is the latest, easy and most "used", 2 way commnication medium.

The purpose of this blog will be fulfiled if this blog can help you atleast to reduce your cell phone bill by 5%.

1 comment:

Anantjot Singh said...

Thanks Sachin.I have tried my best to keep Dec bill under $1k.If i succeed , credit will go to this blog ...lolz :-)