Wednesday, April 14, 2010

11 Golden Rules for an Enriched Living!

1. Invest in yourself - Spiritual / Professional / Physical

2. Enjoy and give the best in everything you do. Always try to find your

3. Don’t be in comfortable zone for too long and keep updating your goals
frequently. Convert such thoughts into action.

4. Always be Happy and Satisfied. Thank God for all that he has given.

5. Inculcate simplicity and an attitude of honesty and integrity.

6. Everyone is equal. Always keep a watch and try to kill your ego. Don’t make
your ego as your enemy.

7. Don’t loose your temper easily and don’t be greedy about anything. Keep your
desires under control. Career and money is not everything in life.

8. Don’t be reactive to situations and don’t think too much about what people
will think.

9. Always appreciate and help others. Don’t think negative and forgive
everyone. Make goals which are in benefit of future generation and society
at large.

10. Always remember that death is certain.

11. Last but not the least - Always respect your parents.

1 comment: said...

the 11 th point , pls put more light on it....