Friday, September 14, 2012

My Inner Engineering Experience

7 Day Course (5th to 11th September 2012)

Day 1
- Sadguru talked on Desire - The problem is that our desires are limitless but our physical has limits
- Need to balance between Body, Mind, Emotions, Energy
- Physial (Sensory), Eternal, Bliss Bodies
- Butterfly (Patanga) Asana - For Spine ( Root of energy)
- Baby (Shishupal) Asana - For Spine

Day 2
- Responsible for everything
- Responsibility and love are related
- Breathing - Left and Right Balance
- 10 Step (Nadi) Asana (Left and Right Balance)
- Left Leg (Ardh) Asana

Day 3
- Food   - Negative - Ginger, Onion, Tea, Coffee, Chili   - Positive - Ash Gourd, Honey   - Neutral - Potato, Tomato
- Present Moment is Inevitable and unique
- Can always be happy in current moment
- Alternate Nose Asana (Left and Right Balance)

Day 4
- Om
- Three Gods - Creator (Knowledge), Maintainence (Money), Destroyer (Power)
- 3 Lock (Banda) Asana
- More on present moment - accepting things as they are  

Day 5 (Full Day)
- Sports (90 mins)
- Be aware of your ego
- I am the part of the energy
- I am not this body - this body belongs to me
- Leave anger 100%
- Can you be father to all the babies in the world
- Nice Lunch
- Purchased Books, DVDs
- 12 - 24 - 48 - 60 (Remarry)
- Don't initiate anyone
- About Isha Ashram and activities
- Preserve only body
- open for change for everything else
- Find and decide to be joyful in each moment
- there is no bundle of joy
- Slow breathing means longer life
- Complete Kriya  

Day 6
- Kundalini (like snake)- 7 chakras
- Q&A on Kriya
- Book Yoga - No good
- Suffering - Cause and Effect
- Patanjali - Covers everything on life
- 5 elements - Earth, water, wind, fire and space
- Fear - Violence relation
- Women equality - in spiritual societies
- Unconscious mind - 95% - can be accessed only with meditation
- Freedom - Bondages definition
- Karma Imprints - because of likes and dislikes - If responsible, we will love and like everything  

Day 7
-  How you consider your work - example of three labours
- How do you want this world to be - every answers meant loving - so be yourself loving first
- Self practise of kriya
- Guru Pooja    

- Prepatory asana   - Butterfly - 2 mins   - Baby - 2 mins each side   - 10 step  - 3 times - Exhale and Inhale

- Start (with left leg asana)   - Alternate Nose - 5-6 mins - (Start and end with exhale from left side, left hand on lap)   - Om - 21 times -  watch vibrations, take yogamudra after this   - Flattering Nose - 3-4 mins - as fase as possible, neck tilted up   - Lock Asana - Inhale - lock - Exhale   - Meditation - 5 mins - watch normal breathing, neck tilted up

Learnings - Aware of myself - Possible dimensions of myself - Importance of this life - Meaning of investment in myslef - Can be happy anytime - Being simple      


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much sachin for sharing your experience. Means a lot to me.

Bindaas boy said...

Ultimatelty how you feel about the programme overall ? Can you please share that as well.

Bindaas boy said...

Ultimatelty how you feel about the programme overall ? Can you please share that as well.