Saturday, August 9, 2008

What ever you get first, drives the whole thing!!

In all phases of life, everyone gets lot of choices and can decide for them considering many factors depending on prefrences and circumstances. Decision is one thing, and luck is second one. Between them what is more important is perception. But in either case, whatever happens or strikes first becomes the "center" point for all further discussions and become a base / benchmark. Sometimes growth of one person is also defined in relation to from where he started. Some of major decisions in a life can be 1) Qualification, 2) Career, 3) Life Partner, 4) Religous belief, 5) Social beliefs.

With so many options available these days for specialization in post graduation, it is very difficult for anyone to calculate all factors and decide one course. There are very few cases where students know actually what they want to do after analysing their strengths properly. Most of the times, the decisions are driven by factors like market demand, what friends are doing, what is considered in, funds required, etc. Time constraint is an important factor due to which one has to take some final decision within a short span of time. Though the discussion here is not about how the decision has been taken but what happens once the decision took place. After taking the decison, the circle of thoughts gets limited to the field selected. Like say, one guy took engineeering as his subject, now he can think of finance as option for a simple reason that he is a sceince guy now. There is nothing wrong in this and specialization always give you an edge. But keeping oneself open and aware of "outside" world can give more edge. This can also help in identifying his real interests and make changes early in life. Desparately collecting too much information can just add to already existing confusion in everyones life, but, keeping open to information is a different angle.

After 2/3/4/5 years of specializing qualification, one still find himslef in front of a decison box in job market where he can select among many types of industries. Like after any stream, one can now enter the Information Technology industry because of their domain skills. We can easlily find that even after 15 years, most of the people will be competing in the same industry where they joined initially. There are very few cases, where people are ready to take the risk of change in industry. This can be due to comfort factor because moving within same industry is easy than a different industry. Now a days, people are doing Executive MBA so that they can change their industry but I think one can change it without MBA also. What is required is just open mindset. If you are good in your subject, you should be able to use that knowledgr anywhere!

After 2/3/4/5 years of specialized career, one want to make a work life balace and start thinking of getting married. Most likely, if you are starting looking at this time, chances are that it will be arrange marriage:) It is just impossble to define what you want in your spouse because everyone wants everything and expectations are out of control. Again the discussion is not how we serach for a spouse but what happens when you decide the partner. Now you have to spend your whole life with this person!! Exceptions are divorcees and then second marriage where again things may repeat instead of improving. In cases of love marriages, there are so many cases that people fails to define love correctly and falls for someone they first like mutually.

Simialry ones spritual, social and moral beliefs are generally what they were taught at first or childhood but parents, teachers and others. Any lack in this efforts by them can not only make wrong beliefs in the child but he may have struggle complete life to understand what is going wrong..

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