Monday, March 24, 2008

Everyone is an Analyst!

All the education in this world, formal or informal, aims to make a person more analytical. Having said this, please don’t think that I intend to confuse between ”understanding” and “analyzing”. Understanding things is a natural trait of human being and so does not require any education. This is with assumption that understanding is without any sort of analysis i.e. whatever is apparent.

Everyone experiences some sort of failure in day to day life which is most of the times because of lack of analysis of the situation. Analysis is one of the very important phase which we all learn and realize with experiences in life.

Being from Finance background, I am into analysis “environment” for quite a time now. Infact there are many job profiles now calling “Analyst” in prefix or suffix in all the domains. The reason for me to analyze and write this blog is a sudden increase in “analyzing” amongst people in the past few years. The primary reason for this increase is competition in all spheres of life and so everyone is trying to keep up the pace with the race. Some of the strange examples where this increase is apparent are sports, politics and parenting. Their meaning has changed completely like all physical sports have now become mind games.

At work, analysis used to be the responsibility of leaders or managers only and they were supposed to guide and direct everyone. With competitive generation, employees at all stages are expected to have good analytical skills to perform their jobs effectively. This is generally communicated to them in different ways and words like proactiveness which also means that always keep analyzing!

In many cases, personal or team relationships also get impacted as everyone is analyzing to judge others or infact sometimes judge themselves indirectly. Please beware that no body wants free classes on their actions or behaviour. Sometimes this may result in over analyzing which can be harmful, may be not at the individual level but as a group or society. Because while analyzing, one is conscious to some extent. With conscious mindset, one is not able to think or act naturally. Ones thought may also be overshadowed by the buzzwords and one may fail to take the holistic approach of the situation by focusing on few factors. This may create some unnecessary complexities because of gap between analysis done and the actual scenario. At times, this may lead to waste of energy as a group and less productivity.

To avoid all these issues, one should analyze before analyzing that whether it is the right case for analysis or it is just not required now! Even when one decide to start analyzing in right cases, one should always keep thinking when to stop it. Because sometimes after enough analysis also, you keep analyzing without much value addition. Beware! that this may result in delay in taking decisions or moving to next important phase i.e. Execution.

Concluding, I am sure you will enjoy reading this if you will decide not to analyze this blog too much:)

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