Sunday, January 18, 2009

250 sq ft mind!

Owning a house is quite an important landmark in the life of a person. A child stays with parents till he is grown up to start earning and live independently. Then, generally he rents a house. Few people, are fortunate enough to save some money over the years, purchase their own house. The size and price of the house purchased at this point depends on the circunstances prevalent at that particular point i.e. savings, market price, preferences etc. Purchasing or building a house is a tediuos activity and so there are very few who later think of moving into a bigger house even if future allows them to do so.

The same cycle applies for owning a mind. There are many people who keep staying with their parents mind or with a rented mind without thinking to own a mind of their own.Few who actually purchase or build a mind of their own do not want to move into a bigger mind later. This is because they feel secured in their small mind and do not want unnecessary inconvience which this shifting might create.

But this change may not be so difficult as generally understood and can be rather benefical for them and everyone. This decision of moving and some efforts to find a bigger mind itself can redefine us as a person. This is how the world has generated so many leaders. One most recent and obvious example is Barack Obama.

Nobody can own a big house or big mind at the first instance unless inhherited. But there is quite a defference between self made thing and something which is inherited. One recent example is George Bush (Jr). You may not respect the things which you have inherited and so cannot understand the importance.

Mind is rather easy to be expanded within very less time. It is just a matter of realization the real characterstic of mind. Mind is boundary less if we ourself don't create boundaries of our ego around it. Why we think that only what we are doing or thinking is right? This is applicable in all spheres of life. The minute we start pushing us in other's shoes, we can easily understand why right and worng is a matter of perception and why something which is right for you can also be wrong for others and vice versa.

You don't really need to increase the area of mind which is already infinite. But yes, we need to remove the boundaries created by us which are coming in our way to define our growth path. One simple approach I learned recenlty, whenever you say NO, it is creating boundary and when we say YES, it is actually helping to remove boundaries. This principle has to be used with prudence and not blindly.

Sometimes, mind actually shrinks when someone is too busy with the success which becomes like a boundary and so create reasons for the downfall earlier or later. For a celebrity, his fame becomes a boundary and sometimes it is so strong that it is really difficult to break. It is impossible to break the boundary when you think that there is no boundary at all. Even a farm house has a boundary though not visible from the bedroom.


Anantjot Singh said...

To add - Human mind also has boundaries which he/she does not accept even if made realized by others.

Anantjot Singh said...
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