Saturday, January 10, 2009

Life as a freeway!

I could never have understood the meaning of life till the time I learnt driving few years back. When sitting as a passenger in a car, it is like a life of a child who is dependent on his parents for everything and assume things will go right everytime with no need to think of any uncertain possibilities. The child life is more of his parents life or we can say is a part of parents life, as it is parents responsibility to take care of the child.

One need some skills only when one start living life on his own i.e. independently. Similarly you need to learn driving only when you want to drive the car yourself.

The life is like a road because:

1) Uncertainty - On road, we can see only to some extent at a time say 500 ft. Then a new view will come after the turn. Even in case of a straight road, you can not see till the end of the road and your view keep increasing for next 500 ft evry time you travel 500 ft. In few cases your view can be 700 ft and sometimes it can be 300 ft. But with your limited view, you may think that the road ends with the end of your view which is not the case. The road remains of its own length irrespective of your view at any given point. Similarly life has its own length and we can only see or forecast only till some extent say next 6 months and as we progress we keep getting more clarity for future period.

2) Competition - The cars keep overtaking each other in attempt to reach their destination as early as possible. I have seen some drivers who will keep changing lanes and overtake all the cars just because of the attitude that they cannot see any car ahead of them. This kind of mad competition is more because of impatience than hurry to reach the destination. This can be dangerous too for all people on the road and in most of the cases delay things more. This also results in over speeding which can get you a ticket. Similarly everyone should be patience and follow rules while competing in all spheres of the actual world.

3) Opportunities - Taking exit at the right time is important to take advantage of the shortcut ramp to reach your destination on time. One should also keep watching for other lanes to chnange and avoid traffic in your lane.

5) Threats - One should be always precautionary for Stop Signs and Red Lights to avoid collision. Rules are for safety and avoid unnecessary tensions.

6) Corrections - One should always look for U-turn immediately after realizing wrong route. After going too far on wrong way, you may decide to change your destination.

7) Direction - Right direction is more important than right route. If direction is right, finding route will not be difficult. Be careful on one ways where there is no turn back.

8) Certification - You need a education qualification also in addition of your knowledge to get trust of others to do a job. This is similar to driving license.

9) Accidents - Regular servicing and maintainence of horns, mirrors, Seat belt and brakes can help you avoid accidents. Precautions like yielding while changing lanes are also helpful. Having insurnace can give great relief in event of any mishappening inspite of all precautions. Similarly, plan things in your life to make it safe.

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