Monday, March 24, 2008


In ancient days sages used to do rigorous tapasya in forests and struggled throughout their life to meet God. An easy way to meet Him can be by knowing more about your parents.

The creator – What you “know” – You are because you were born sometime ago. This life is a gift given to you by your parents. They together have given you a unique identity with a different name, voice, face and personality.

What you don’t remember – If you have a very good memory, you might remember the luxury of eating without using your hands, just standing to get your hair well combed or having a ride on their back to the school. But you cannot re-call about your early years from 0 to 3 years. This is a fact that you were the top priority for your parents. It has been widely accepted by psychologists that these are the most important years for developing the mind and attitude. You get a sense of security in this new world and a self respect for whatever you are. They had spent sleepless nights and kept you always close to their hearts to make you comfortable and happy.

What you don’t know – That you have always taken them for granted without a second thought. They give you unconditional love without any expectations which is not possible in any other relationship. They have always done sacrifices for your well being and growth. They have given you the freedom of being yourself and at the same time are available in case of any need or guidance. They have made you civilized by providing best possible education and also directed you for a right career path. Their responsibilities include searching a right life partner for you to take care of you lifelong. Finally, you cannot count the number of your mistakes forgiven by them happily.

True “right-o-meter” – The logic – Anything can be either right or wrong. It has always been argumentative and difficult to conclude when opinions differ because of different perspectives and ambiguity due to relativity. I have read somewhere that you should always think that what God would have suggested while deciding in such situations. But sometimes it is not possible for everyone to visualize God and understand His wishes. However irrespective of your religion or situation, you can ask yourself that what your parents would like you to do, you will get immediate answers. But still choice is yours.

When they are not there – You cannot think and understand this, till the time you have them available. You will miss them but always feel them near you throughout you life. A sudden responsibility will be realized by you even if you were staying separately and living a “independent” life You might also regret that you could have spent some time with them and could do something for their happiness. However you will keep growing in your life because of their blessings as they still care for you.

What you can do – Worship them, nothing less.

1 comment:

Kunal Kothari said...

Wonderful ! Totally agree with you here. They are the most wonderful people in your life and still the most ignored people by us.

Quite a paradox this human life is !