Monday, March 24, 2008

Waiting For Death!

Death is certain and we all are unconsciously waiting for it to come. Waiting period may vary as it can come any time. There is no way to avoid this wait, so the only option available is to enjoy the wait and utilize the time in the best possible manner.

There are various other examples in everyone’s life where one has to wait for things to come or happen. Such waiting situations can be classified between controllable and uncontrollable situations. I am not discussing the waits which are beyond control because nothing much can be done about them like pregnant woman has to wait for nine months:)

However all the controllable waits are the ones which more painful and most of the times add complexity in life without much value. These are sometimes for fulfilling some or other desires and luxuries in life like wish for a bigger house or an expensive car.

Everyone should be able to identify this difference and should try to eliminate all the controllable waits in their life to enjoy the uncontrollable wait of death. This is because all waits which can be controlled can be avoided to reduce the uninvited frustration in case of failure at the end. This time can further be utilized in a fruitful way to make your journey of life purposeful.

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